Digital Design & Representation

Digital Design and Representation stand at the core of the education of architects and urban designers. Due to the proliferation of computers, the increasing computer literacy amongst incoming students and the fundamental shift in the profession towards the digital, digital design and representation needs to be re-assessed all together.
Neither the computer, nor the program, nor the computer user are supposed to replace the classical role of the architect. Instead, the architect needs to embrace and understand the fundamental capacities and limitations of the digital. The overarching pedagogical concept is the model as information entity. This virtual model can be enhanced with information as needed and later queried in various ways to produce various forms of architectural representations ranging from the classical plans, sections and elevations to advanced forms like building information models (BIM) or computer aided manufacturing (CAM) files. At the undergraduate level, computer aided design (CAD) courses introduce fundamental tools for design alongside concepts of representation. Digital Fabrication continues the digital chain – from inception to production of architecture and urbanism. Parametric Design expands the limits of standard software tools and allows to manipulate data and generate new programmatic and formal relationships. 



Institution: German University of Technology in Oman 
Year: 2012–2013
Type: Coaching of GUtech Student Expert Network
Students: 16 undergraduate students

Institution: German University of Technology in Oman 
Year: 2012–2013
Type: Computer Aided Design classes
Students: 120 undergraduate students over the last 3 years

Institution: Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe 
Year: 2011
Type: Parametric Industrial Design Seminar
Students: 14 graduate students 

Institution: The Ohio State University 
Year: 2007–2009
Type: Digital Design and Representation Classes
Students: 160 undergraduate students over 2 years

Institution: The Ohio State University 
Year: 2007–2009
Type: Digital Fabrication and Manufacturing Classes
Students: 160 undergraduate students over 2 years
Final review with 80+ students and collaborative models
cnc-cut paper model - collaboratively assembled
Card board laser model
Fuse deposit model
cellular foam model
Relief CNC foam cut
Layered laser cut plexi model

Parametric Product Design

Parametric design workshop for industrial designers at Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG) Karlsruhe on the invitation of Prof. Volker Albus & Stefan Legner. The workshop focussed on concepts of parametric design to generate parametric geometries creating definitions and scripts (Grasshopper for Rhino3D).


We develop and use digital tools for analysis, design, communication, and education. Our tools harness data and technology both critically and productively. These tools address the analytical, generative, simulation, visualisation and communication domains of design processes.

Beyond Rendering, TU Berlin

Aurel speaks on the topic of architectural representation on the conference Beyond Rendering organized by Daniel Lordick at TU Berlin. Architectural representation had only recently moved towards image driven representation forms. The "parametric shift" indicates a tendency towards the text, more explicitly the script.

@ Sultan Qabous University

Aurel von Richthofen lectures at Sultan Qaboos University on the topic of "parametric design beyond form". Kind invitation of Alya Abdul Sattar Yaqoob Al-Hashim to the Dept. of Civil Engineering and Architecture. The lecture is structured around three aspects of parametric design: design that can accommodate different parameters, design that computes and design beyond form.